We take pride in our insurance products being 5 star rated by Defaqto, which in their own evaluation means it is “an excellent product with a comprehensive range of features and benefits” offering real peace of mind to your customers.

Full product information for our Keycare 5* product are available in the policy booklet, which can be fully branded to meet your needs, and a preview of this is available by clicking here.
Cover for replacement keys
Replacement locks and any locksmith charges up to the cover limit
Worldwide cover for your keys
Covered for lost and stolen keys anywhere in the world
Travel costs covered
Onward transport costs up to the specified benefit limit to get the customer or vehicle to the original destination
Up to three days vehicle hire
Up to a specified benefit limit per day, if a vehicle is unusable as a result of the keys being lost or stolen
Access to a trusted network of locksmiths
We’ll provide a local contractor from our nationwide network
24/7 Emergency helpline
24 hour, 365 days a year UK based emergency helpline
Cover for all your keys
Any of your keys attached to the Fob issued by Keycare are covered
No Excess to Pay
Cover for the full authorised claim with no excess to pay
Reward for the key finder!
A thank you is paid by Keycare to the finder if the keys are recovered